Georgian Timeline Tunnel Vision & Healing your pathway and grips’ on motion of time @eqtherapies

Hi how are you all? If you didn’t know this largely the population suffers from a type of timeline tunnel vision based in the Roman Catholic Gregorian Calendar, this is partly environmental but it is so far hard to find any other one telling the time apart from us via RSS Feed from

The best way of using this feed is especially on your smartphone downloading an RSS Feed Client and adding it, it does have time zones for example if your time you wanted was GMT-7 you would input the URL: or if you wanted UTC you would input or the time in Western Australia would be

The time-zone all works on PHP time zones which you will find are listed here:

When you have an RSS Feed reader on your phone add this RSS feed and periodically drop the time tickets to your feet like always happens with when you delete them and delete your cache of them periodically, when you remember to, this will digress your timeline into a larger physical bode of time signatures rather than only being based down the fault line of the Gregorgian Calendar!

You can also add a cname that ends with pointing to in your domain zone and it will pickup for you and provide the feed!

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