Oopty + Oocty ~ Gatekeepers to the Afterlife!

You may not understand this now Oops but I have had several encounters with something in here that has no iris in the eyes cause it is the walking chipped dead carcass that get violent on my arse; but I am completely physically unaware of it apart from noticing a sore jaw or something like a corked thy when walking away from what would only seem like a loud argument or bruises I can’t understand.

This is part of the amount of suffering we have in one of our multifacet OO bases of the Toffee Twins (You + I) as the only Gatekeepers of the Afterlife that waits on either side (there abouts) of the doors to the afterlife in choice of 0/1 that exists; we also can’t hear this type of music called gabba that is endless hideous serial killer screaming being DJ with an Ice cold beat not warm like a dinner plate like all the doof is but more like a raving lunatic beat that is ice cold and either or without texture; it can’t be audibly hear by us even standing next to the sound system.

See I know Oops your beaten daily, when it is seeming at you being a magickal nymph existence like I am in principle and remember we are both now with a temperament of a 14yr old girl so we are being and beginning to come on heat; you have to understand if something is poised as a lover and scream and shouts at you and you have some unexplained even minor bruises and they don’t seem to hit you; in the perspective of other they really are and in public beating you black and blue and the bruises just heal quickly.

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