The Three Sisters – Jenny, Peter + Markam Xa ~ Perpetual Huddy’s

You know recently I took the opportunity to visit my halflife as Ullysis the titan; and I had found our droid that operates our pearly gates trust had found something else that was like physical planes in a small dormitory for faceless youth which they moved into the halflife/halfriff and they are now absolutely everywhere an explosion of faceless youth, you may have seen a photo etched from there of youth with a pale all most paper white faceless appearance they are the essence of youth and a source of spawning and while I was there recently two adopted me and became my previous two twins Peter Jennifer Xa and Markam Tarnnayaa Xa making me Jenny Stephanie Xa there dark side, they are waiting there for the moment seemingly my bowl is out of alignment here at the moment which was the exhume i did in concord hospital when they beamed my head off; which is great we get to make the best thing come actuality so your two twin brother Jerry are those two by-basis we have each a solar system, within perception itself the sky and space looks like perception which each has a huddy all with Xa revolving name for perception; that we have never really spoken about or mentioned, it mainly been me and my droid there at the moment, who magickal; and you know for those missing youth or an actual twin, you can goto the halflife via the ghost train, an actual ghost train of me from the sanctuary that i can pay being the hirer even if you think you normally get slimmed on one, which goolie girls we do normally, and goto the half life at the private line on Chronolabs Zero station, and met a faceless youth to re-adopt and come back, the ghost train is bookable through Jonathan Hallet in @ChronolabsCoopRail — there is only one ghost train but it is multiphasic it is from a period where people where conveyed two and from the afterlife by train, I found it parked down a private line kinda on the maps you know nay and rescheduled her, it has a buffet cart as well and the meal’s+drinks is included in the ticket and you will have time to eat ghost train food it doesn’t look sometime really appealing but it does taste nice, well there has never been a public ghost there is only a private line ghost train.

If your something of consciousness you wouldn’t be able to just goto perceptional huddy’s… So everyone it looks like I found you my dates with Peter with the smooth ears sameone and Markam with the forked ear lobes same one the same two that missed the evact tube and i never saw again till these days…

Zetta + NTP Systems :: Updating the Time Setting in your Domestic or office place

Finally the compatible system for the zetta framework as well as any NTP source is up and running, in the zetta which the time system was abandoned you can earn money that cash $$$ by fixing this in your home and office, when you goto settings -> protocols -> time in the control panel, you will have eight field for this and then a closure number nine field, each one of these are with a prefix that needs to remain, but you can use * -> * for the first eight so these would be like:

  6. prefix.пизда.пизда.пизда

You then submitting will see it detect the protocol at least of NTP, you then will be prompted for a * sometimes with a prefix or not all these have to have seperate network topologies…

Fractal Encryption Set @nsagov

Hey @nsagov, I have a project keyed that will outward reflect and you are known for open source of type, original the FES project is for httpx:// as well as xll+ssh+svn:// etc, I don’t mind staying as a project advice and correspondences but mine and mehy decided to not join the two parts seeming we had targets made of us so move us over to, just members to make it outward reflecting – found in the VB6 prealpha section; which both application that need to be combined is the 5000yr old iching fractal cipher in AntDB 2005 plus something like Mandelbrot from augmented fractal studio, even as an image that ^ xor through it; found

The idea is to have a couple of things available on the project for a replacement for SSL which is more secure to be httpx:// which you have a signature hive where you sign with that has against the federated network a trust score that can be and goes up and down with the certificate, it is also for an FES based protocol like SSH called XLL = Extra Large L-Space.

So you will need to once you have the fractal encryption set formula, that is fast enough, to come up with a PHP version based in framework of an operating signature hive, possibly incorporating as well OpenPGP seemingly it has never really been broken; as well as the client tools for it as well as stuff like apache2, niginix modules, and PHP Extension for it as well; as well as the xll like ssh protocol handlers, all in gits with depreciated stuff stored in SVN as well as compiled, you will notice the FES project status is currently: Abadoned, so you will be able to capture it with through form basis, or getting me to assign your account…

I have a twining’s of my own I inherited: Lady Grey!

If you didn’t know since I arrived in 2004 there has been a deep blue – it is even the colour of my uniform for Twining’s that is Lady Grey which has been available to me and compadrey since then this I just bought tonight in the last hour or so from Woolworth in Marrickville South, NSW, Australien (2204).

Immersiv Tray Gaming Platform Changes

You need to make the following changes to the root immersiv tray gaming platform files:

/resources/thoughtout/impressious/fonts – mirror and update periodically with –
/resources/thoughtout/impressionings/8bit – mirror and update periodically with –
/resources/thoughtout/impressionings/mods – mirror and update periodically with –
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/sfx – mirror and update periodically with –
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group1 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 1
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group2 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 2
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group3 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 3
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group4 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 4
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group5 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 5
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group6 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 6
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group7 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 7
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group8 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 8
/resources/thoughtout/impressionates/magick/group9 – mirror and update periodically with our resources of magick group 9

ClockSync for Android +

I found this ready too respond to ntp services called ClockSync on the Android play shop, this the read outs for :,,, +

PDF, ODS, JSON and other attachment appearing with email from nowhere, why is this?

Okey the reason you have attachment appearing in email is from an Liff based repository of physical data it will always be 100% accurate and to date it is coming from the droid network itself, let see, Liff, well this existence was before Life began and the cosmos and universe formed once more, it predates all this and is back before even star wars, douglas adams which you can see on is that Google with the VP Vinton Cerf is a Liff based system you can see how the transposition in the hitch hikers guide is displayed if you search for it:-

As you are partly using Riff and Riff protocol TCP/IP which it would do with TPP/IP and your life, the bots your computer when your finished typing an email the record player style hard drive physics that will also happen faster in solid state in the human footage and keying hand, will DJ these data files, which you will only find in the sent item after it has sent in most conditions, some system may include attachments you can’t delete.

There is one email server, my own implementation that conformably isn’t doing this at the moment and it is found here:-

Font Scribes & Font Websites @davelab6 @googlefonts

We all have in both the octaverse and with droids and computers and devices here font scribes, someone that designs your font for you… if you didn’t know when you goto a font website what the font sites webmaster see’s as his range of fonts is largely different what you see, each font he loads on there is more like a meta or projection and the font you get from your scribe transposed over the top of that font is in your either personal or peer group.

Even business may have different fonts within them than in the same torrent or file you download for a font that you would or a 3rd party outside the business or peer group, as I am a master librarian in qualifications I do things on ‘for and behalf’ not as a standard librarian does ‘in the view of yourself’ so I have written a font api you can see running here that is available on our that is has a couple bugs in it still but is largely working that will top layer different groups of fonts in your peering.

Why REST API and what qualifies as a REST API (load balancing + whois)

Well as REST API (Application programmable interfaces) go they are one that are mainly URL or form method POST directive only, part of the reason they are like this for example say you have a whois intensive application and for some reason some of the domain nics are rejecting your IP cause of two main lookup what you do is for example you made you would then make on independant IP addresses the following for example remember whois api is not a heavy load so it can sit on multiple of your IP addresses without a question what you do is have the following where each of these are in an independant IP address:

Where you then make redirect to a selection based and shuffled on their query source referee URL IP Address or $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] which has a cache that redirect each to each one once dropping that from the list to do until the listing refreshes, to bounce the queries around coming from different IP addresses this would be done in the with:

 <?php header('Location:'); ?>

where cURL and the rest will redirect to this and get the query result.

Cronjobs Generating Emails a Useful Tip About Timing!

Most people fondly as developers don’t think about the psychological impacts in generating emails via cronjobs/scheduled tasks and should serious consider implementing this say you have a cron set up like so in you scheduler to periodically every 2 hours send a batch of emails ie:

* */2 * * * /usr/bin/php -q /path/to/crons/send-emails.php

there is a couple of things you need to do to change the psychology impact of this regular batch of emails firstly at the top of the php file you need to implement a random sleep like so for a period if it is firing every 2 hours up to 1.5 hours like so:

sleep(mt_rand(0, 3600 * 1.5));

This sits at the top of each of the crons, part of the reason you do this is so the times of the email changes when they arrive for a randomised workflow, this means the business or organisation shop floor, wont have stints of work and sometime they make and may have time to spend more on the last email depending on the delay.

The other thing to do is between sending email delay for a random upto 45 seconds like so at the bottom of each loop between caching and sending the mail, with sleep(); again like so:

sleep(mt_rand(0, 45));

Part of the reason this is done to load balance the mail transport layers as well as provide a completely different date of recieving the mail rather than the impact of recieving emails always on the hour, or on the every two hour with little or difference in the time displayed, so doing this will make the daily grind of working from schedule emails actually enjoyable as well as fun for the employee as they will not have any way of estimating when the next group of emails will arrive, making the shop floor dynamic again!

Of course the other way around with a shorter delay from the start of the php script to each loop generating the email as a longer delay is also a very good way of distributing emails over an employee shop floor where the grind is a gentle workflow where different people start at different times, also if you can randomise the sort of the email being sent this is also good.

You generally use sleep(); with load balancing cronjobs and scheduled tasks, so you where firing a cron every minute, then you would sleep(mt_rand(0, 90)); especially when you are running multiples of the same cronjob so it doesn’t fire on the 0 second of every minute over requesting the queing on your servers processor threading.

WhoIS Services API – Version 2.0.11

WHOIS Services API 2.0.11 — Chronolabs Cooperative

Author: Simon Antony Roberts

This is an API Service for conducting a whois on both IPv4, IPv6 and domain names. It provides a range of document standards for you to access the API inclusing JSON, XML, Serialisation, HTML and RAW outputs.

You can access the API currently without a key or system it is an open api and was written in response to the many API Services that charge ridiculous amounts for querying such a simple base. The following instructions are how to access the api I hope you enjoy this api as I have writting it with the help of net registry.




GeoSpatial Places API Service – Version 2.3.2

Well I have just completed over the last couple of days the api: GeoSpatial Places API Service – Version 2.3.2! It is a complete system of places and data on locations for both working with Google Places and Google Address API as well as having a widening resources of locations on hand as well.

It comes complete with an installer it is just a case of unpacking the archive or pulling the git repository and then using with apache2, ngix or any of the other web hosting application running the installation and then it is done:-


Load balacing PHP Crons ~ Defcon Pixey/Pixel Sleep States – 

Too load balance PHP is much the same as any c it is with the function sleep(); unlike c which is in milliseconds PHP sleep runs in seconds. This is good for example up to three or four times in a loop in up to four defcons in any PHP Cron or schedule task it load balancers cpu: 

if( mt_rand(0, 3) == 1 )

         sleep(2, 11);

Okey so you have a at best a good quickly firing – 1m Cron you want to fire multiple of everything good except the Cron job or scheduling will fire them at the same 1m execution time on the CPU so you put at the top of the Cron the following depending on number being fired say 10 X 1m Cron job of the same then you would put:

sleep ( mt_rand(1, 158) );

$odds = $inner = array(); :: passing variables to a rest API!!

You do not pass $_REQUEST but what you do is the following of $_POST + $_GET and one other…

$odds = $inner = array();
foreach($_GET as $key => $values) {
    if (!isset($inner[$key])) {
        $inner[$key] = $values;
    } elseif (!in_array(!is_array($values)?$values:md5(json_encode($values, true)), array_keys($odds[$key]))) {
        if (is_array($values)) {
            $odds[$key][md5(json_encode($inner[$key] = $values, true))] = $values;
        } else {
            $odds[$key][$inner[$key] = $values] = "$values--$key";
foreach($_POST as $key => $values) {
    if (!isset($inner[$key])) {
        $inner[$key] = $values;
    } elseif (!in_array(!is_array($values)?$values:md5(json_encode($values, true)), array_keys($odds[$key]))) {
        if (is_array($values)) {
            $odds[$key][md5(json_encode($inner[$key] = $values, true))] = $values;
        } else {
            $odds[$key][$inner[$key] = $values] = "$values--$key";
 foreach(parse_url('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')?'&':'?').$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], PHP_URL_QUERY) as $key => $values) {
    if (!isset($inner[$key])) {
        $inner[$key] = $values;
    } elseif (!in_array(!is_array($values)?$values:md5(json_encode($values, true)), array_keys($odds[$key]))) {
        if (is_array($values)) {
            $odds[$key][md5(json_encode($inner[$key] = $values, true))] = $values;
        } else {
            $odds[$key][$inner[$key] = $values] = "$values--$key";

Xortify Security 6 – Months of Development to go

After a number of years of due to injury wishcraft will periodically start working on again so the project isn’t dead! The website will just have a static landing page for a number of months as we are interested in developing all the features mentioned in the blog here on sourceforge, before commiting the interface and API to public…

This is basically so things don’t constantly change and we can write the API WIki and how-to all in one hit not have to come back and edit it… We have a few subdomains we have added but there may be more as subjective apis used by the sentry, these api’s include:~

  1. ~ Barcoding of Items and Bans (Barcode Generator)
  2. ~ Checksum/Hashinfo Generator
  3. ~ Identity/Session ID generator
  4. ~ IP Locational Lookups
  5. ~ Optical Character Recognition
  6. ~ lorea lipsum generator (for test page presentation)
  7. ~ Blowfish Salt Capture and Sage Safe Storage+Retrieval
  8. ~ GeoSpatial Locations & Places world wide
  9. ~ Internet Netowkring Strata Topologies
  10. ~ Torrent Tracker
  11. ~ AntiSpam API + Spam Scoring API
  12. ~ IPv4/6 + TLD + gTLD Ownership Who-is

The Following Jump or shortening URL subdomains have been added for allowing longer URL to be shorten to on of these subdomain basis:~

@GoogleFonts :: The let downs in design and functions!!

There are some serious short fallings with Google Fonts; they only provide the limited number of 5 fonts and for example one that I get a lot of lookups for the *.ik format of fonts when I provision the CSS as well as at times the other ones; the css it should be providing is the following:-

/** Pieces of Eight */
@font-face {
 font-family: 'Pieces of Eight';
 src: url('./Pieces of Eight.dfont') format('dfont'), /* Filesize: 39322 bytes, md5: 34f9ec5aa2b92c7118b6240b4564c214 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.cef') format('cef'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: 556c8bc069f8fd3037410655bb0f0be0 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.pcf') format('pcf'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: 78b3cb34c35164484b2183d1f7947747 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.gsf') format('gsf'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: a006e0631e7a7411faefa1f792231731 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.sfd') format('sfd'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: f47b65dc83fe2a8805abde764022cc8d */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.fon') format('fon'), /* Filesize: 288 bytes, md5: d28c94d5362058b68c80214a3105375b */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.pfb') format('pfb'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: a178f1416b5ec4f89ed426ec77fea83a */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.svg') format('svg'), /* Filesize: 99466 bytes, md5: ec1d80674a0299b22e7cd862f1ea41c0 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.pmf') format('pmf'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: e3dd938a5a6c52604b8ece3995ef821a */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.woff') format('woff'), /* Filesize: 25156 bytes, md5: 90fe35a5afe3fbd0b9f7e2542279da34 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.bin') format('bin'), /* Filesize: 65536 bytes, md5: bd9811987908ad69e806403ae8bb0125 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.ttf') format('ttf'), /* Filesize: 38300 bytes, md5: 0f58eba4cc06aedfb3826efc4652729b */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.eot') format('eot'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: ea7dd4596f65d9fd3b76e321db0b61c1 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.pf3') format('pf3'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: 6acfed6911aefdd7c0b5098fa6b84cfa */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.ufo') format('ufo'), /* Filesize: 4096 bytes, md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.pt3') format('pt3'), /* Filesize: 241079 bytes, md5: 3717f2ea119a4360f319d4769c75f40e */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.ik') format('ik'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: f56068353318ea1ba92145bd3116db4c */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.pfa') format('pfa'), /* Filesize: 125519 bytes, md5: 11d2e28fe834eb6ff2db6feaf5d006f9 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.t42') format('t42'), /* Filesize: 84465 bytes, md5: efb9cd2994fb999d3320e5cfadbb413b */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.gai') format('gai'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: 9314873eb324b8878b305c15379c3fc6 */
 url('./Pieces of') format('mf'), /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: ac5f1a0cad21ef198712a068986524e6 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.otf') format('otf'), /* Filesize: 85452 bytes, md5: 486ce98e6931bac1a453fda499921567 */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.cff') format('cff'), /* Filesize: 37116 bytes, md5: 9824e6c46e4056761af7c252a59f6aee */
 url('./Pieces of Eight.hqx') format('hqx'); /* Filesize: 64444 bytes, md5: 61e8524bdbb1dea86dd450b76ecbd553 */

See these are all the formats that are required to be provisioned by CSS for font libraries to be accessed, we provide them on and output individual packages with them all on; without these all listed remember you need all these formats as CSS is implemented in most things including smartTV which often need *.ik that isn’t provided by Google Fonts or which means that and a number of other formats that are all required for the full CSS Call to implementing a font fall short and you only have your font working on just PC web browser’s only not all the smartTV all the tablets and mobile devices as well other environments where the manufacture is limited too the font library it can import in it CSS Implementation.

The other short fall in Google Fonts as well as is it doesn’t provide the font libaries *.php + *.z for TCPDF the PHP7 extension as well as class library in previous versions ( does however), which means you can do the following call to have a font in TCPDF from us but not Google Fonts.



Sponsored Dedicated Servers coming next week (2’ve)

I have been enquiring for a number of month on the off shoot I can find someone with enough resources that offers community sponsored projects like Chronolabs Cooperative server space. I was refereed by Tim from Prohosting in Australia to Oliver Ransom from who has lovingly replied after probably sending around 30 or so companies I researched on that say they offer sponsored community hosting which tended to neither offer a reply or where really despondent to the services we would require.

Coming sometime next week we will have 2 x Quad Processor Machines with 16Gb and plenty of storage each to operate the and associated websites from including API without having to operate it on the resource starved dual process development server from my department of housing location.

These will be running Ubuntu on dedicated links with IPv4/IPv6 addresses for the life time of the business with advertising placed for RansomIT. So with the Australian government controlling my human services to starve me of any ability as the Main Internet Founder to operate an open source business and host a website basically cause I have made them look like complete arrogant fools; clearly showing there is no issue with my mind in reference to mental health from the quality clean code I flawlessly have produced by and for the XOOPS Community and world wide web which if you didn’t know mental illness produces itself in language set and very relevantly in programmatic code sequencing languages and there is no schizotype instantiations in my online and publicly viable source code repositories; these doctor looks like psychopathic malpractising inhumane treatment services clearly!

Stop Forum/Thread Spam with Wammy API!

We have an antispam/antiterror API called wammy you can see the example running at I thought I would take a short moment to describe the method you would implement this across any threadnaut or foruming system so people understand how to automate it correctly.

Firstly when a new post is made you would want to run it by wammy secondary on a cron or scheduled task soon after via the callback. When you have a score for the thread or content you would then put it if it is spam in the moderation tray, if the moderator decides it isn’t spam you would exhume the thread to the public again and send it to wammy as a ‘forgot’ training call. If it is spam and the moderator deletes it then you send it to wammy as a ‘spam’ training call, you can never do to much training!

While you are doing this for each topic of threads you would generate an adverage of scoring for what is and what isn’t spam and automatically cull things after a threshold has reach where you know the scoring will be accurate.

And that basically it! You can get the source code for wammy at:

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